
The Future Is Clear, Planning Ahead with Intuitive Medium Amy White

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We all have gifts that help the world, Amy White, an Intuitive Medium can help people see clarity in their lives and close the gaps with people in the afterlife. After years of avoiding her gift, she embraced it full force and is determined to help others heal the past and move forward in their future. 

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • How the pandemic provided the opportunity to bring much clarity to our lives, on behalf of each of us individually, but also collectively.
  • For decades, Amy tried to follow the standard, channeling her gift and using it in the corporate world.
  • After the death of her grandmother, she began to see her and talk with her, and she began to trust her intuition.
  • Amy made a contract before she was a medium where she agreed to be able to dial up the souls, so that the souls can’t just show up and pass by without an invitation.
  • After her son suffered from a mental health crisis she had the impetus to write Closer to Paradise: A Mother’s Journey through Crisis and Healing, to tell her experience and support families in similar situations.
  • The two ways a crisis can go; either it defines you, or you use it to transform your life.
  • How does Amy’s medium sessions work? She connects with a group of energies that call themselves The Higher Consciousness to connect with the inner wisdom that exists within each person, but also opens the channel for souls who are in the non-physical to go through that same channel.
  • Amy gives Emily a short medium session!

If you want to learn more about Amy, visit her website
Instagram: @mzamywhite
Twitter: @mzamywhite

Emily Merrell  

Welcome to the 60 degree podcast, the podcast where we grill our guests about the things that make them tick and find out how human connection plays a role in their life. I’m your host, Emily Merrill.


Hello, and welcome back to the 60 degree with Emily Merrill, the podcast where we grill our guests about the things that make them tick, and find out how human connection plays a role in their life. I’m your host, Emily, and today I am so excited to have Amy white, international best selling author, highly sought after speaker and intuitive medium on a mission to help individuals heal the past, discover personal truth and thrive as today’s guest. Even Welcome to the show.


Amy White  

Oh, thanks for having me. I’m so excited.


Emily Merrell  

I was so excited as well. I feel like it’s an absolute pleasure to have you here. AndI’ve had very little experience with mediums myself. So I think there might be this fear of, you know what lays on the other side, or like what you can be seen about me. So this is so cool. My only experience I have with mediums are truly TV personality mediums. So today, you’re going to hopefully help us break down what to expect with a medium, you’re experienced becoming a medium and what getting clarity really means.


Amy White  

Oh, yeah, juicy, juicy.


Emily Merrell  

Also, I feel like the word juicy has become very popular recently. Do you? Have you noticed that? Or is that just my circle is finally getting into the juicy word?


Amy White  

Well, for me in the work that I do, the word juicy has definitely been coming up a lot. It’s like I flow between juicy and magical. But they both feel about the same energy.


Emily Merrell  

I’ve heard you mean to you before. And I made the mistake of letting my husband read a high school diary. And I used that word a lot to describe being a gentleman that I thought were adorable. I was like, oh, juicy, you could it would have been a good one. 


Amy White  

Love it. I love it.


Emily Merrell  

Anyways, I the grasses squirrel over here. But so yeah, the theme of today’s podcast is clarity. And you know, we search our whole lives for clarity, I was just on a call with a girl who she’s 30. And she’s not quite sure what she wants to do with her life, or people are searching for their soulmate and might feel behind schedule on that process. What kind of clarity Do you find people are searching for the most?


Amy White  

Oh, gosh, well, I think in the last, you know, 12 to 18 months, the that question of clarity has really shifted significantly. Before Yeah, definitely. People were like, when am I going to meet my partner? When’s this next job coming? What am I you know, what, what is the thing I’m supposed to be doing in my life? And now the clarity is, you know, what am I really here for? What is this all about? Like, how do I sort and sift between what I’m feeling internally, what I’m feeling called to be doing and what’s happening in the outer world? Like, how do I find that balance point, that center point. So it’s really, I feel like it’s a deeper level like this last, you know, the pandemic time has really been a big invitation for people to dive below the surface a little bit more and, and get some more solid in what they’re really looking for. And that’s the clarity is a bigger, it’s about bigger things than it once was, you know, not one of my manifesting this or that. But, you know, like, what’s it all about? Who am I? You know, who am I as a human? Who am I as a soul? How do I bring those two things together? 


Emily Merrell  

And I feel like so many people, it was only a few people that kind of got hit with those questions at a smaller, small group of people at a certain time. But you’re right, so many people during the pandemic, it was like, why am I at a desk? Nine to nine? Or why am I Why do I go to this job that I don’t even like, and it’s causing anxiety, and my uncle just died from this weird disease? And it’s, yeah, there’s definitely was a lot of shake up. And I’m curious, do you think it’s going to stay that way? Are we going to just forget and go back to how we were before? 


Amy White  

Well, I don’t think that we can go back to where we were before. I think that the change the shift the awareness that this time and space for us as created allows for a lot of a lot of us to get really solid on what’s important. Now, there will be those because we’re all individual and we’re all on our unique journeys that will want very much to go back to the old normal, because that was where their safety was, their identity was their security was and you know, and many if not all of us in some way, shape or form had to come face to face And touch into each of those things and see like, oh, was I giving this false sense of security to my job, or to my relationship or, you know, did I feel this way, kind of unconsciously. So I think, you know, like anything, it’s not going to be the majority of people, or it’s not going to be all of the people. But I think that it goes back to the idea that once you see something, you can’t unsee it, you can pretend to unsee it, you can pretend to ignore it. But I don’t think that I don’t think that what we’ve just lived through what we’ve just experienced at whatever level and however we experienced this time, can be something that allows us to fully go back to where we once were, you know, we were talking right before this podcast about living in California, and living in the Bay Area, especially because I lived there for seven years before I moved to Southern California. And I’m sure that you know, many people because I did that were commuting two hours one way to the office. And now you know, there’s this, there’s been this time where not only do we realize and do do the people who are doing that realize like that was unneeded and wasted cycles. But companies are also saying, There’s no way we’re going to get people to come back into the office in that same way again, because now they’ve gotten a taste of what it was like to reclaim those hours hours in a day. You know, so so I think just to go back to your original question, he I don’t think we can go back to the way that it was. And I think that there are many, many of us that don’t desire to that they would like to take the goodness of what they learned during the during the time of shutdown and in quarantine, and put it into practice to live a deeper, more enriched life experience.


Emily Merrell  

I completely agree. And that waste of time of commuting, I’m How much? How much health and wellness hopefully is not for everyone. But I think for the vast majority of people who were able to find workout classes or were able to make dinner for themselves or were able just to substitute something good and whole for that time being an on a bus or being in a car for what purpose to sit in a meeting that they could they found out they could do from the comfort of their home. So


Amy White  

Exactly, exactly. And I think if we if, you know, we take it up a level, when we look at it from a purely Universal Consciousness perspective, a lot of the information that I’ve been given over the last year or so has been this idea that there was a collective calling out for something to change, you know, and it came in the form of the virus, and it came in the form of pandemic and I don’t even I don’t want to make light of the fact that we’re still in right, it’s not over, we’re still it’s still unfolding, things are still shifting, but the big part where the entire world was shut down for a period of time together, there was a calling out from the collective that said something needs to change. And the and the conscious energy that eye channel said right from the very beginning, we couldn’t get here from there, like without some kind of big reset. And so in ways in positive ways, the virus and the pandemic provided the opportunity for a lot of clarity on behalf of each one of us individually, but also collectively.


Emily Merrell  

I like that perspective. And you know, historically I feel like we could look back we can always learn from history, all the other resets that have happened over life, or over the centuries and this one, we weren’t expecting it but I think that’s what life is about the unexpected. Amy a little bit more about you. You know, I love the fact that you describe yourself as a reluctant medium. So how did you understand that you had this gift and what led you to this line of work? And were you channeling the other side and grocery stores are running after people on the street with a message or Was this something that took time to unveil


Amy White  

well that you know see reluctant medium, right? I mean that that’s that’s a big part of my story. I would say I have always been an intuitive and I’ve always had the ability to connect to you know the non physical. And while I don’t remember really specific examples or stories or incidents when I was a child, one of my first memories is my family of origin, telling me why connecting to the spirit realm. Not through the church, not through the upright protocols was actually a very bad thing. Not only was it bad, but that invited bad on to the family. So you can picture me five or six years old walking around the world wide open, probably talking to dead people and channeling and vino information and, and saying things out loud that nobody should have known and I shouldn’t have known. And my family just being like, holy cow, we got to do something about this girl because it’s, you know, we, it’s scary, right? And so, but the thing was, is that, because of the messaging and the conditioning that I was being given, I thought, wow, there’s something wrong with me, like all I’m doing is being me. And there’s something wrong with being me. And so there was this big shut down that I did, because I felt like it was too big a burden to carry to be responsible if something bad were to happen to my family, and that somehow it would be my fault. And then, you know, launch in the people pleaser, chameleon, you know, be who I think everybody thinks I should be mentality belief system, because that’s, that’s what I was trained. That’s how I interpreted the messaging. And so, decades and decades, I shut this down. I went, you know, I followed the the standard, you know, protocol I went to, you know, graduate high school, I went to college, I got a job in corporate, and I prided myself on having a really keen gut sense. You know, my instinct was strong, and it made me very effective as a leader in the corporate arena, and I climbed the corporate ladder rung by rung by rung. But as I was doing that I always had this nudging going on right behind, you know, inside of me saying, there’s more here, there’s more, you know, this is your purpose now, but there’s more. And back in the early 2000s, I actually started a side hustle as a coach and I was doing life and business and executive coaching. And as I was working one on one with my clients, I realized that I knew things about my clients that I didn’t know how I knew, but I knew them and I use that information to direct my sessions but I never told anyone like it was just again I had a good instinct I was picking things up from what they were telling me and I even internally I was at odds with this idea that there was something bigger until I couldn’t deny it anymore like life just kept bringing things to me and bringing experiences to me until I was like okay I’m ready to take a step and I mean talk about reluctance I was still like holding on you know to dear life to like the old way right? But now I couldn’t unsee that there was something else for me to explore. And it was really step by step by step until around 2014 when I finally quit my corporate job in new without a shadow of a doubt I was being led to do more and more authentic work right authentic to me work


Emily Merrell  

Did you end up like branding yourself as a medium was was that a? Was that a title that you were comfortable with? Right out of the gate? or How did you sell How did you sell yourself? And you’re like, I know stuff hire me.


Amy White  

Yeah. So So I actually embraced intuition and in the end the term intuitive first, I was really comfortable with that. I’m like, okay, instinct intuition. Yeah, I can, I can talk about this and so I, I shifted my coaching practice from just bait your your basic coaching to intuitive coaching. And so then I was like, Alright, we can work in the space of, I can tune in to your energy, and I can give you information that you might not be able to tune in yourself. But during this time, my grandmother passed away and my grandmother and I were super close, like best friends. And not long after she, she died, she came back and so like very organically, she’s sitting in the car as I’m driving down the freeway, I can smell her perfume. She’s in the kitchen when I’m cooking. You know she’s walking with me when I’m walking my dog. And I just felt really safe and comfortable still having to bump up against my old belief systems of like if I do this, am I inviting bad into the family Am I inviting bad into my family, you know what, what happening but she made it so easy. And so the more I acknowledged her, the more she spoke with me until we were really just having a dialogue like we were sitting across the table from each other, you know, sharing a cup of coffee together, you know, and and it felt really empowering, but it also felt really authentic in it resonated with me deeply. So that’s when I started to realize because in my coaching practice, then people’s loved ones would show up, you know, I would have a client that would say, I really wish that my dad could see how far I’ve come. And I’m like, If you only knew he’s standing here behind me, you know, and yet I wasn’t ready to embrace that publicly. And it actually the the, the invitation with my grandmother to start to explore this aspect of myself, led to a couple of years, about three years contract negotiation with source, where I would keep getting this information of it’s time for you to embrace the mediumship side of the work that you do. And I was saying, nope, not doing it. I don’t want to walk around the world, talking to everybody’s dead people. And I mean that with the most sacred pneus when I say it, but that’s really the that was the way that I was phrasing it in my mind to source saying, I’m not doing this, this is, I don’t want to be in the grocery store and feel like I have to chase somebody down to deliver a message. And so, you know, my guides were like, okay, hmm, and then they come back around, and they’d say, it’s time for you to embrace this. And I would, you know, come up with some other reason not to, and slowly, but surely, I was like, Okay, well, wait a minute. If I can do this, and not, you know, be channeling all of these souls, every time I’m out in the world, maybe I’ll be a little more comfortable. And then, you know, my guides were like, okay, now you want to do it? And I said, No, no, it has to look like this. And so it literally became this contract where I said, Alright, if I’m going to do mediumship, I get to dial up the souls, souls don’t get to just show up and come through without an invitation. I also know wants permission from the person ahead of time. So there’s this whole, you know, integrity, that’s going on in that work. So I’m not crossing any energetic boundaries, without permission, it was very important to me. And so finally, I got to the point where I was like, Okay, if, if everybody in the non physical can honor these boundaries, I’m willing to, I’m willing to embrace this part of me, and, and do this work a little bit more publicly. 


Emily Merrell  

That’s incredible. And I love that you put that that boundary into place. So I was gonna ask you wouldn’t that be, that would be so frustrating if you’re just walking around, and you’re trying to have a thought that’s your own, and you’re hearing everyone else’s thought. So you’re hearing from all these other people that you don’t necessarily want to be talking to at this moment in time,


Amy White  

Right. And one of the things that I realized in my own spiritual journey was that I’m here in this life experience to learn how to be human. And so that was part of my boundary with source was, I know, I know inside that I’m here to learn to be human. And so if I’m only doing this, if I’m only giving, giving, giving, if I’m if I’m sort of sacrificing my humaneness to be this open channel, then that doesn’t feel resonant with me. It doesn’t serve me. And I would rather say no to this invitation, than to then to sacrifice what what I felt my soul was here to really experience like, I’ve done the spirituality thing before in many, many lifetimes. But the human thing I haven’t, I haven’t had as much experience, like really being messy human. And you know, and boy has source delivered those experiences for me as well


Emily Merrell  

As that one going, but which is actually a perfect transition to my next question for you in that you had a really, I would say, like a big challenge with your son, and I’m not 100% sure what that challenges and if you’re comfortable, I’d love to hear more about it. But I know that this particular experience with your son really ignited something within you so much, in fact that you wrote a book called closer to paradise, a mother’s journey through crisis and healing. So can you tell us more about that journey? And what led you to actually reading this book?


Amy White  

Absolutely. Absolutely. And yes, I will say that this experience really was the door opener for me to say that I could I could step out and say, things that might make people uncomfortable and share parts of me that might make people uncomfortable. And it might make me uncomfortable also, but I knew that it was, it was something that I could do. So when, in the winter of 2010, my then 16 year old son slid very quickly and unexpectedly into a severe mental health crisis. This crisis led us to Multiple hospitalizations, suicide attempts in inpatient outpatient residential care over the course of about a two year period. And during this experience, it really it really allowed me to come into deeper connection with who I am, and in and where my voice is, and how important my own voice is from not from the standpoint of authority, but from the standpoint of speaking my truth, and not being so concerned about how other people accept that truth, and learning to advocate for myself so that I could advocate for my son, and learning how to take care of myself in the midst of a, you know, we’ll use the term dark night of the soul, but a definitely a severe and significant crises, you know, where it was life or death for many, many, many months. And so, as I went through that, and this was years after my grandmother died, right, that Well, as I went through that experience, it really, it really was about my journey, as much as it was about his and the end, the impetus to writing the book was that to share my journey, one of the things that I realized very early on this crisis was that there were lots of parents, caregivers, you know, loved ones sitting in waiting rooms and treatment team meetings, and inpatient hospital, you know, family rooms, and they all kind of had the same look on their face, you know, bewildered deer in the headlight kind of look. And I wondered, who are these people talking to? How are they getting support. And so I started to search out seek out other people who had similar experiences, just so that I didn’t feel like I was so alone. And what I realized was, mental health in general is very highly stigmatized, still. But when you’re talking about a mental health crisis with a child, and you’re the parent or caregiver, it’s even more, it’s even more deeply stigmatized, because not only was I getting the blame, and the shame and the finger pointing from external sources, but internally, the treatment team, the doctors, the caregivers, the medical caregivers, also had that same energy of like, you know, what did you do wrong, Mom, you know, how could you have caused this. And so, it was no surprise to me that people weren’t sharing openly about their experiences. And even when I came close to where I thought I might, you know, be able to connect with another parent or caregiver, I found that you know, what came back was, they, they’ve told no one, like, not even their closest friends know what’s happening in their family. And it just broke my heart. And so I started to write a blog. And the blog was called far from Paradise, because in the moments, I felt like, I couldn’t be further from Paradise than I am right now. Like, I’m so lost in this journey, I don’t know where you know, where to start, how to how to help myself how to help my son. So I launched the blog in within two months, I had 30 countries of readership, and the, in the emails that were coming in from parents who weren’t ready to share their story publicly, but we’re so grateful that they had someone out there that was being sort of the voice for, for their experience, and to know that they weren’t alone. You know, one of the things that I learned about crisis was that crisis goes two ways, you either defines you, or you use it to transform your life. And I knew, especially as I came to the end of the crisis, and my son had, thankfully survived, you know, and continues to survive and thrive today, that I had two choices, I could close the book, and put it on the shelf and never speak about it again. Or I could use my experience to hopefully help, you know, bring light shine light to these areas that were really, really deeply impacting families in ways that, you know, outwardly, we might never know.


Emily Merrell  

Yeah, Wow, what an incredible story and what a great realization to have to that. You were doing it alone. And so were all these other people. And do you still maintain the blog to this day, or is it something that more exists on the internet?


Amy White  

Yeah, the blog still exists on the internet. As I shifted more into the intuitive and mediumship and channeling work that I do, I shifted away from the caregiver advocacy part of my work, but but a lot of what I learned through that is still so so front and Center in the work that I do today,


Emily Merrell  

definitely hand in hand in some element I imagined


Amy White  

completely completely. And then from from the, from that experience I, I spoke, you know, I was invited to speak all over the country and on national radio programs, I was on NPR and, you know, so many opportunities came where I could tell the story. And again, that was really the the part that opened me up to this intuitive and mediumship and channeling work that I do, because I don’t know that I would have had the courage, if I hadn’t gone through that experience, to say, it is most important, over everything, to make sure that I keep coming back to the truth of who I am. And if I’m not living in that space as often as possible, then I’m actually causing myself harm. You know, and that was what helped me really embrace and the writing of the book, of course, telling that story, you know, in a memoir, format, really helped it was so cathartic for me, and continues to be, you know, cathartic as, as the book still, you know, circulates and still is talked about. So often because it is, it is that raw and real story of not just, this was the experience, but this is what came from it. Here were the things I learned, this is how I grew and evolved through this experience. And it didn’t define me, you know, it has been the jumping off point for so many of the adventures that I’ve had in my life since.


Emily Merrell  

I love that. And I think that’s a great lesson too, for anyone that these moments that feel so trying don’t necessarily mean that those are like the final moments that they that they serve, they can serve as a jumping off point to something bigger. Which brings me to who you are today this intuitive. And you know, I mentioned earlier, I have not had any experience with mediums I’ve definitely dabbled in tarot card and psychics and Gosh, brought energy work and chakra clearing. So anything I feel like I have done, but for whatever reason, I haven’t really come across that many intuitive, medium, or intuitive. And so, you know, I’m not sure what the, I’m not sure what the rest of the world is like. But I do know that people have been seeking clarity through these different modalities for centuries just trying to find answers to their problems. For those that do want answers. Where do you recommend they start on their quest to seek that truth?


Amy White  

You know, that’s it’s such a personal and individual answer, I think, for everyone, but I love the fact that we’re in a day and age where all of these modalities are accessible, and they’re fairly mainstream. And I think that’s what makes it so beautiful. So the thing that I can say to anybody who’s looking for, you know, some clarity is to, is to really just sort of do a little bit of research and see what resonates, you know, I started out doing tarot readings, as part of my coaching practice, even though I didn’t tell people I was doing it, you know, just because that was sort of my, that was the way that I felt most comfortable. Like, there was something concrete that I wasn’t just relying on, you know, the information that was coming in, but I had some outward validation, the thing that we often are taught as humans, and that doesn’t even have to do with intuition as much as just in general, is that this, we’re supposed to learn things and do it ourselves, you know, and we don’t seeking outward validation is, is quote unquote, bad. And one of the things that I’ve learned on my own journey is, you know, yes, listening to our inner wisdom is really important. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t also have something that helps us to be like, oh, oh, what I hear and what’s coming up in the cards or, or what the pendulum is saying, or what this shocker reading is saying, or, or, or, okay, now it’s helping me to build my confidence for it’s just like training for anything, you know, you don’t go out one day and say, I’m gonna run a marathon and then run 26 miles the first day, you know, you run a half a mile, you walk a half a mile, and you build up to it. And each time you get to have the opportunity if you if you choose to have some outward validation, but it is so personal. So somebody might say, ooh, you know, pendulum is just a little on the woowoo side, but at the tarot cards or Oracle cards, that feels that feels appropriate, you know, and so it can be that it can be that easily, easily easily accessed


Emily Merrell  

by like that everyone can, like choose their own adventure doesn’t have to seem thing that you do. It’s not the right fit for me, but


Amy White  

Completely. And I think that’s what’s really beautiful about the energetic invitation of today, like this time and space is that we’re really being invited to come into contact with what feels good to us, like, what’s our truth? First, you know, oh, this feels good. Oh, that doesn’t feel good, you know, without having to rely on somebody out externally saying, but but true, feels good to me, you should love to grow. And it’s like, Yeah, but I don’t, it doesn’t feel good to me. And that’s okay, like both are, both are good. And both are in flow. And both are in alignment. You know, for each one of us. It’s really powerful when we can embrace the, what is true for me, you know, question inside each one of us.


Emily Merrell  

And speaking of medium, or like the experience, within intuitive, can you describe what a first time experience feels like, or what individuals should expect?


Amy White  

Absolutely. And just like you said, Every one, every one that does this work does it a little bit differently, so I can really speak to my process. And, and the way that my process works, whether somebody comes to me for an intuitive session, or a mediumship session, or some combination of the two, is that I connect in with a group of energies that call themselves the greater consciousness. And the greater consciousness describes themselves as the infinite wisdom that exists not only in the cosmos, but within each one of us. So when I work with someone, I am, in essence, I am working through this energy channel to connect to the inner wisdom that exists within them. And that that connection then opens up both the information and guidance and wisdom that they need to hear for their own personal journey. But it also opens the channel for souls that are in the non physical to come through that same channel. So it’s, it always starts with this connection into the greater consciousness. And then as I said earlier, it’s the invitation I dial up the the person or persons that the the client is interested in connecting with, specifically on the mediumship side. A lot of times I will hear people are afraid of mediums not because they don’t believe that mediums can can channel their loved ones or friends or, you know, people who’ve crossed over or who have passed away, they’re, they’re more afraid that the people that they really want to hear from, won’t want to talk to them, or won’t come through during a session. And I can say, having done 1000s and 1000s of readings, I’ve never had a case where someone hasn’t come through. And the thing is, is that when somebody sets up a session with a medium or an intuitive, the intention is set already, you know, and they wouldn’t be even showing up to the session with me, if there wasn’t already an energetic resonance, to connect with that loved one, or to connect with their infinite wisdom, their inner being already in in place. And so what’s really beautiful, it happens in all kinds of different ways, especially when I’m connecting with souls that have crossed over. But I’ve never had a case where a soul hasn’t come through. 


Emily Merrell  

Oh, that’s so so it’s interesting, that idea of like dialing in it, it says if there’s someone in the waiting room, and they’re all waiting for their name to be called, their line to be rung, what were they doing, you interrupted their golf game? important call?


Amy White  

Yeah, well, they already got sort of the message that the call was going to come. So they were ready. They’re ready.


Emily Merrell  

Yeah, you were waiting for the answering machine.


Amy White  

But I love I love the concept of the waiting room, because that was part of my negotiation with source about doing mediumship was that I could already see a line of souls, right when they realize that I was open to to be this channel to be the bridge to communicate through that there were souls that were lining up, they had nothing to do with any clients I was working with, but just wanted to be able to talk to someone who could see them, you know, back in the human realm. And so I created a waiting room where people can go and they can take a number. And if there are moments where I feel really called to work with some soul that has nothing to do with the client, I can do that. You know, but again, it’s me dialing up that waiting room and saying, Okay, number 12. Yeah, your max. Yeah, yeah. Well,


Emily Merrell  

so you know, before we end, is there anything the greater consciousness would want me to want to tell me or like feel so anxious?


Amy White  

So yeah, so do I have your permission to share this information?


Emily Merrell  

You do have this permission, no permission, my permission.


Amy White  

So the first thing that the greater consciousness wants you to know is that they, they’re making me feel as though you’re at a really big crossroad. And not just like one crossroad. But they’re it’s almost like there’s the, the word that’s coming through is like chicken corners. You know, it’s like, if there’s a five way stop, you know, and that there’s paths that go in all of these different directions. And they’re saying, The really cool thing for you is that any path you choose right now is golden. any direction that you decide to go is golden. And even if even if you some of those paths feel super crazy to you, because they’re making me feel like that there’s this little bit of a talk track in your mind that’s like, I can’t do that it’s so far off of like, what I’ve been working towards, and what I’ve been building and what I’ve been wanting to do how I want to show up in the world. And yet they’re saying that if you really look at the things that feel the as you deem craziest, or as you deem out there, that’s there’s inquiry for you to explore. What would it look like? What would it feel like? What would it taste like? Would it be yummy? Would it be juicy? Like what would it feel like to you to pick the path that you would least expect yourself to pick if you were only using your logical mind, because the invitation for you is to start to think from your heart mind to start to, to use your heart mind in concert with your very intellectual thinking mind? Bring them both together? And then say, What? What would it look like? How could it look? How could I embody this? Could I see myself, you know, what’s the felt sense of these decisions, and then pick the thing that feels in your highest, like the thing that feels most playful? most adventurous, like, that’s where you’re being invited to explore. It’s not the safe route so much. And they’re using the word safe in the way of what you deem safe and secure. But it’s really the how far can you expand within the space that you’re already creating? You know, how far are you? How are you comfortable? To the point that you’re not? That’s, that’s where you really have the most, the most invitation, the most invitation to explore what’s next for you. And even if it doesn’t feel like it’s a right now, right away decision that you have to make, because there doesn’t feel any urgency except for you thinking, I’m a little impatient, why can’t this show up? How, why is this not you know, coming together the way I’m expecting, just to be aware that there’s more for you to explore in this time right now, and over the next couple of months is a great exploration period for you. So that by the fall you’re like so solid in the way that you’re going to go, and the direction you’re going to take and the decisions you’re gonna make that it will feel it will feel easy. Now not not easiest, but easy inflow for you. And so that’s that’s really it. That’s the exclamation point on this whole conversation today, you will have clarity, when you start to do this exploration a little bit deeper, a little bit more, a little bit more in tune with what really resonates with me what really feels solid in my core, and follow those breadcrumbs.


Emily Merrell  

Oh, my gosh, I have so much to think about. Thank you for doing that. Well, Amy, you are. I wish this was an hour long conversation because I’ve got about 47 more questions I have for you that you have been spurred just by this reading alone. But, you know, how can our listeners learn more about you and get get a dose of you in their life?


Amy White  

Yeah, absolutely. So the easiest place to go is my website, which is Amy white dot CO, I do offer a free monthly open channeling call. That’s right now it’s on the fourth Thursday of every month, but it’s they’re telling me it’s switching up once we get into the summer and into the rest of the year. But that call is about a 40 minute channel where I just I do basically what I just did with you here at the end but for the collective reading, and then I open it up to questions where people can ask the greater consciousness anything from information about what was channeled during that session to anything that’s on their heart and mind and in the greater consciousness will work then with them to to answer the questions to give guidance to bring forward process anything that they might need to know during that time. So that’s a great way to get a taste of me because it’s it’s free, it’s open, anybody can join and then I also have a bye Twice monthly subscriber community where we really delve into the channels and really deep into the questions and answers and of course I’m on all the social platforms so watch for my truth bombs because those are very pointed channeled messages for time now and energy now.


Emily Merrell  

Oh, I will be following you religiously. Pun intended. Well, Amy, before we wrap up, I love asking our guests six fast question. So one word answers to these questions. So oh, I guess this one might be a little more than one word, but first is tell us an unknown fun fact about you.


Amy White  

An unknown fun fact is that I well, I guess it’s not that unknown. I was gonna say what I do pole dancing. But it might be unknown to you guys.


Emily Merrell  

Now, that’s amazing. I again, for our next podcast episode, we will delve more into that who dream person you’d want to be connected with?


Amy White  

Oh my gosh, this is a tough one because there’s so many. I would say right now I am super fan girling Elizabeth Gilbert. And I love her like her book “Big Magic” is such a creative Bible for me and has opened up so many opportunities and understandings for me so yeah, I’d love to hang with Liz for a little bit.


Emily Merrell  

And throw Glennon into the mix too. Well,


Amy White  

yeah, she’s she comes right


Emily Merrell  

out. Yeah, just an incredible gal jam. What I know you’re a big wine fan. What wine are you currently drinking?


Amy White  

Oh my gosh. Well, I just switched from seven Yan Blonk or so. No, excuse me cab seven, which is my winter wine, to seven young Blonk and I love Prosecco and champagne, too, especially in the summer.


Emily Merrell  

Oh bubbles are so good. Yeah. And what book are you currently reading?


Amy White  

I am currently reading “Women Who Run With Wolves”.


Emily Merrell  

Oh, I haven’t seen that. I need to add that. 


Amy White  

Yeah, yeah, it’s really, it’s really good. It’s really good.


Emily Merrell  

Okay, okay, I will I will go get that right after this this call. And then what is your favorite emoji?


Amy White  

My favorite emoji? Well, it’s either the martini glass, or the dance, the woman dancing. I really like because it’s like, just celebrate, celebrate, celebrate. There’s always something to celebrate.


Emily Merrell  

I love that. And you know, martinis and dancing or go hand in hand. And then my final question for you is Who gave you permission or inspired you to do the thing you wanted to do?


Amy White  

You know, I would say my grandmother, my grandmother was such a huge inspiration. She continues to be I was just hiking the other day, and she showed up halfway up the mountain. You know, she has she continues to teach me about trusting my intuition trusting that there is a bigger plan for me. She’s, Yeah, completely. And I think without her showing up, I wouldn’t be doing fully embracing the who I am in the space of intuitive mediumship


Emily Merrell  

Oh, I love that answer. And I love that your grandma just kind of floating up the mountain. You know, taking the easy way there six steps. I’m just gonna show up halfway. 


Amy White  

Yeah, exactly. 


Emily Merrell  

Well, Amy, thank you so much for sharing all of your wisdom and knowledge and channeling with us. Today’s was such a pleasure. I listeners, please check out Amy and her generous offer. She has so much to offer. And thank you for being a part of today’s episode. 


Amy White  

Oh, thanksfor having me. Such an honor and a privilege to be here with you guys.


Emily Merrell  

Yeah, likewise and listeners. If you liked today’s episode, please make sure to give us a like, subscribe share with a friend and we’ll see you the next time on the sixth degree. Take care

six degrees society

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