April 14, 2021

How to promote teamwork and collaboration

Whether you’re a solopreneur or you’re juggling a team that’s dozens strong, we all like to hole up in our little corners to cut out distractions. Sometimes, catching a few minutes to yourself feels like just what you need to get some work done!

However, there’s a reason that almost three-quarters of employers think of teamwork and collaboration as a “very important” strategy for business. After all, putting our heads together is what encourages innovation, creativity, and communication, all of which a brand needs to succeed. If you’re looking for better ways to encourage teamwork in your business, here are a few sure-fire ways to get your community buzzing.

Hire Wisely

Your company culture is a precious thing, and it’s important to do everything you can to maintain it from the start—that includes hiring, onboarding, and training. Making sure your new recruits are the best fit for your existing team can help keep things running smoothly in the long-term.

Set Team Goals

There are few better ways to encourage collaboration than setting goals that everyone needs to work toward as a whole. Clear, achievable goals give your team a reason to work together and check in with each other on an ongoing basis—which is exactly what you want!

Provide Team Rewards

Don’t misunderstand: individual rewards are a great form of motivation, and it’s always nice to recognize a specific person for their performance. However, team rewards can be a major source of motivation, encouraging teams to work together for a communal reward.

Do Team-Building Exercises 

Team building can work wonders for any group, from building trust and communication skills to fostering creativity and learning. On an interpersonal level, this form of healthy competition can also help your team grow closer. You’ll find plenty of online exercises to work into your schedule, from easy and engaging activities to our favorite exercises.

Encourage Feedback

Great ideas come from all corners, and they’re also more likely to come from teams that feel comfortable offering up their feedback. Solicit ideas from your teams when possible by offering brainstorming sessions, anonymous feedback boxes, and opportunities for feedback during one-on-ones.

Use Project Management Tools

Using the right tools can help you foster better communication in the workplace, as long as your team uses them appropriately. From video conferencing software to productivity tools to messaging apps, make sure your people know how to harness technology for more effective work.

It’s easy to overlook the importance of teamwork when you’re running a company, but effective collaboration is what helps your people drive your brand toward success. And sure, it’s true that cultivating an environment where teamwork and collaboration are the norm won’t be an easy feat—but you can bet it will pay off in the long term. If you’re working on building your team, don’t forget to check out our tips on enhancing your team’s self-esteem as well!


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